---Promise Land

Who We Are & What We Do
In Promise Land, no one is too little to learn about Jesus’ love, God’s promises, and the truths found in God’s word, the Bible. And so our theme verse is Psalm 78:6b “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.” We offer a safe & fun place for kids birth through Kindergarten to come learn & play while their families attend Sunday Services or weekly classes. We spend time in praise & worship, Bible study, and prayer during the Sunday Services at 9:00am, 10:45am, 6:00pm and in our mid-week classes Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Childcare is also offered for various church events throughout the year. All of our staff and volunteers have a current background check on file and are regular church attenders and at least 1 adult at every childcare session is CPR/First-Aid certified.

What to Expect in Class

During an average service in Promise Land, each class has a developmentally appropriate routine of free play, singing praise songs, learning a Bible lesson, praying, enjoying a snack (dietary restrictions accommodated as needed), coloring and/or crafting a project, playing outside on the playground when the weather allows, and bathroom breaks or diaper changes when needed.

Wellness Policy

We want to do our best to keep your kids healthy, so Promise Land is a well-child nursery. That means your child needs to stay with you if they have contagious symptoms in the last 24 hours such as vomiting, diarrhea, colored runny nose, gunky cough, a fever, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotic. We do have first-aid available on-site including a thermometer. If anyone seems unwell during class, we may check their temperature and will send them home with you for a fever over 100.1*.

What Class Does My Child Attend

Our classes are grouped partly by age and partly by school year-

Infants = from birth until walking confidently

Toddlers = walking until age 2

Tiny Tots = 2 years old and turning 3 after Sept 1 of the current school year

Preschool (Puggles on Wednesday) = 3 years old before Sept 1 and potty trained

Pre-Kindergarten (Cubbies on Wednesday) = 4 years old before Sept 1 or 1 year away from attending Kindergarten

Kindergarten (Cubbies on Wednesday) = 5 years old or currently attending Kindergarten

3D KIDS Wednesday Night Ministry (Awana curriculum) 
Invite your friends and get ready for a great year!
Puggles (3-4 yrs)
Cubbies (PreK-Kinder)